email marketing
bulk email sending

No one doubts that email marketing is a very effective channel for promoting your business, interacting with customers, and generating leads.

Despite the fact that many predicted his imminent death, he continues to develop and be one of the most sought-after marketing channels. 333.2 billion emails are sent worldwide every day. This huge figure speaks for itself and is growing every day.

What tasks does e-mail marketing solve?

  • the transformation of site visitors who left their contact into customers;
  • motivation of existing customers for repeat purchases;
  • increasing confidence in the company, providing information about products;
  • generation of targeted actions – registrations, visits, returns to an abandoned cart, etc.
  • informing about any changes, innovations, news of your company, and more.

Simply put, e-mail letters will not go anywhere, and will remain an important part of our daily life – after all, almost every one of us receives several emails every day, or even several dozen emails of various kinds.

Key benefits of email marketing:

  1. E-mail letters are effective in attracting customers
    When it comes to converting subscribers into customers, email marketing is the best way to go.
  2. Cheap
    The obvious advantage is the lower cost compared to other traditional promotion channels. Email marketing, however, needs to be automated, tracked, and evaluated.

Proper mailing management will increase the ROI from interaction with customers. With an increase in the number of people who responded to your well-constructed chain of letters, you get the opportunity to deliver information of interest to the client at a lower cost.

  1. Customization and segmentation
    In e-mail marketing, the correct approach is to segment the target audience and then send relevant information to each such segment.

Unlike social networks, you can contact each specific person by name, and send only the information that is interesting to different segments of your target audience. Emails containing a person’s name have 22.2% of open rates.

  1. Subscribers are waiting for your newsletter because they subscribed to it
    Email is the channel where customers prefer to communicate with you. Most companies use this channel to send emails to those who subscribe to this mailing list, ie. interested people. This allows for greater conversions.
  2. Call to action
    Email marketing is ideal for impulse sales because it allows you to purchase a product in a couple of clicks. Using a bright CTA in your emails along with a link to checkout, you can achieve results that are incomparable with other promotion channels.
  3. Ease to use
    Email marketing does not require supernatural technical knowledge to be successful. You can create a campaign alone from an interesting template, a couple of videos, pictures, etc.
  4. Action Oriented
    Think about it: emails are by nature action-oriented. Your subscribers can easily forward an interesting letter to friends and acquaintances, introducing your company to a new market, and you have a chance to attract traffic to your site, thus increasing sales.
  5. Ease of performance analysis
    Most email management services will show the number of emails opened, clicked, and converted. You will be able to quickly navigate and reconfigure your campaign properly.
  6. Adaptation to mobile phones
    The availability of smartphones and mobile Internet is increasing the audience that uses their mobile devices to check mail and constantly surf the Internet.
  7. Efficiency
    The results of sending emails are visible from the first seconds. A 24-hour sale, for example, can be leveraged via email as it motivates subscribers to take immediate action.
  8. Applicable to any field
    Any area of ​​business can use this channel for promotion.
  9. Getting feedback
    Email is a great way to collect customer feedback. By asking questions and engaging readers in conversations, you can gain valuable information about your product.
  10. Viral effect
    The more interesting your content, the more willingly subscribers will help you with its promotion. Newsletters with “tasty” text or useful advice will be forwarded to friends and acquaintances or will be shared on social networks.
  11. Lead nurturing
    Not all subscribers are ready to buy from you, but they can be encouraged to buy with the help of “warming up” letters. These emails can talk about what problems your product or service solves, provide information that will help the subscriber learn something new, or offer to follow your social media accounts for a discount or gifts for the next purchase. Such actions will increase the engagement of subscribers.
  12. Automation
    You can set up automatic mailings for many months in advance, do it once and make a profit for several years.
  13. Hygiene customer base
    Email marketing tools allow you to safely “cleanse” your customer base of subscribers who have lost interest in your content. And also keep the interest of active readers with the right email strategy.
  14. Resuscitation of the client base
    Email marketing allows you to return the attention of users, even if they have ceased to be active, as well as return to purchases of those customers who have already bought once.
  15. Increase customer lifecycle
    This is one of the most important metrics that determine how long a customer stays with you and how many times they come back to buy your product or service. In different niches, this figure is very different: somewhere around a year or two, and somewhere for decades. Thoughtful email marketing allows you to increase this period, because you keep in touch, and do not cut it off after the purchase.
  16. Generate traffic to your website
    With email marketing campaigns, you will drive traffic to your website and improve your SEO. In addition, you will keep the audience interested in your brand and your website.
  17. Raise awareness
    As much as you’d like to think that customers know about all the different products and services you have to offer, there’s a good chance that many of them don’t.

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